Congratulations Salena!
Author Archive
Sandeep and Erics’ paper is on bioRxiv!
Gupta S., Heinrichs, E., Novitch, B.G. and Butler S.J. (2023). Investigating the basis of lineage decisions and developmental trajectories in the dorsal spinal cord through pseudotime analyses, bioRxiv
Check it out here
Sandy wins a honorable mention for her poster at SDB!
Samantha, Sandeep, Sandy and Yesica attended the 82nd annual SDB meeting in Chicago. Sandeep got a poster teaser talk!
Staff Assembly Recognition Awards and Scholarships
Faculty/Staff Partnership Award honors a faculty member who has demonstrated the value of collaboration and collegiality between faculty and staff.
This year’s award is presented to:
• Samantha Butler, Professor, UCLA Department of Neurobiology (with Catherine Weston, UCLA Department of Neurobiology)
Chélyn Love-Johnson is our BRI-Sure summer student.
Welcome Chélyn!
Samantha, Salena, Pionik and Gaby attended the 2023 ISSCR meeting in Boston.
We met up with Madeline!
Salena is awarded a second year’s fellowship on the T32 Genomic Analysis Training Program
Congratulations Salena!
The Butler lab smashed it in the BSCRC picture contest. Soizic won FIRST prize, and both Yesica and Piunik both won HONORABLE mention!
Here are their images:
Sup will join UT Southwestern as an Assistant Professor this Fall. Congratulations, Sup!