Author Archive
Samantha visits the Department of Neurobiology at U Mass Chan Medical School, to talk on “Revisiting the role(s) of netrin1 in the establishment of spinal cord circuitry”.
Samantha visits the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology at UCI, to talk on “Revisiting the role(s) of netrin1 in the establishment of spinal cord circuitry”.
Sandeep talks on “Stem-Cell Derived Sensory Neurons for Therapy and Disease Modeling”
New publication alert:
Alvarez, S., Gupta S., Mercado-Ayon Y., Honeychurch. K., Rodriguez, C., Kawaguchi R. and S. J. Butler (2024). Netrin1 patterns the dorsal spinal cord through modulation of Bmp signaling, Cell Reports, accepted
Rachel was accepted into the Questbridge National College Match, which allows high school students to be considered for early admission and a full four-year scholarship at over 50 top colleges.
Congratulations Rachel!
Sandeep talks on “Stem-Cell Derived Sensory Neurons for Therapy and Disease Modeling”
Sandeep is promoted to adjunct Assistant Professor! Congratulations Sandeep!