Author Archive

Sandy’s thesis work has been published in Cell Reports, showing more evidence that netrin1 has boundary activity, in this case compartmentalizing the developing spinal cord by limiting Bmp signaling.

The Cell Reports paper is here, the UCLA press release is here.

Samantha visits the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology at UCI, to talk on “Revisiting the role(s) of netrin1 in the establishment of spinal cord circuitry”.

Hallowe’en 2024 in the Butler and Novitch labs  – we have (top row) witches, Wednesdays, Pharaoh, Chainsaw Man, Jason, DMEM (medium) and a cryopack; (bottom row), pumpkin, mice, Doug (from Up) and Morton salt. Matilda came as a bat.
Mydia won for “Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Mydia”,  with second place to Cris’s cryopak and Charlene’s  beautiful hand-crocheted Morton salt sweater.

New publication alert:

Alvarez, S., Gupta S., Mercado-Ayon Y., Honeychurch. K., Rodriguez, C., Kawaguchi R. and S. J. Butler (2024).  Netrin1 patterns the dorsal spinal cord through modulation of Bmp signaling, Cell Reports, accepted