Publications Archived
- Gupta S., Heinrichs, E., Novitch, B.G. and Butler S.J. (2023). Investigating the basis of lineage decisions and developmental trajectories in the dorsal spinal cord through pseudotime analyses, BioRxiv
- Alvarez, S., Gupta S., Honeychurch. K., Mercado-Ayon Y., Kawaguchi R. and S. J. Butler (2023). Netrin1 patterns the dorsal spinal cord through modulation of Bmp signaling, Cell Reports, in revision BioRxiv
- Gupta S., Kawaguchi R., Heinrichs, E., Gallardo, S., Castellanos, S., Mandric I., Novitch, B.G. and Butler S.J. (2022). In vitro atlas of dorsal spinal interneurons reveals Wnt signaling as a critical regulator of progenitor expansion, Cell Reports, 40:111119 doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111119
- S.J. Butler (2021). The confidence to question. Science (Working Life) 374:230 doi: 10.1126/science.acx9307
- Alvarez, S., Varadarajan, S.V. and S.J. Butler (2021). Dorsal commissural axon guidance in the developing spinal cord. Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Neural Development and Disease. 142: 197-231
- Gupta S., Yamauchi, K., Novitch, B.G. and S. J. Butler (2021). Derivation of dorsal spinal sensory interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells. STAR Protocols. 2: 100319
- Gupta S. and S.J. Butler (2021). Getting in touch with your senses: mechanisms specifying sensory interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. WIREs Mechanisms of Disease. e1520
- Vonica, A., Bhat, N., Phan K.D., Lancu, L., O’Donell, A., Christiano, A.*, Riley B.*, Butler, S.J.* and A.V. Luria* (2020). APCDD1 is a dual BMP/WNT inhibitor in the developing nervous system and skin. Developmental Biology, 464:71-87
* co-corresponding authors
- Frendo, M.E., da Silva, A., Phan, K.D., Riche, S. and S.J. Butler (2019). The cofilin/Limk1 pathway controls the growth rate of both developing and regenerating motor axons. J Neuroscience, DOI:
- Comer, J., Alvarez, S., Butler, S.J. and J. Kaltschmidt. (2019). Commissural neurons in the developing spinal cord: from Cajal to the present day. Neural Development, 14:9, DOI:
- Andrews, M.G., Kong, J., Novitch, B.G, and S.J. Butler. (2019). New perspectives on the mechanisms establishing the dorsal-ventral axis of the spinal cord. Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Organ Development 132: 417-450
- Butler, S. J. (2018). The feel good factor. Laboratory News.
- Gupta. S., Sivaligam, D., Hain, S., Makkar, C., Sosa, E., Clark. A. and S.J. Butler. (2018). Deriving dorsal spinal interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 10:1-16
- Andrews, M.G., del Castillo, L. M., Ochoa-Bolton, E., Yamauchi, K., Smogorzewski, J. and S.J. Butler. (2017). BMPs direct sensory interneuron identity in the developing spinal cord using signal-specific not morphogenic activities. eLife 6:e30647 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.30647
- Varadarajan, S.G and S. J. Butler. (2017). Netrin1 establishes multiple boundaries for axon growth in the developing spinal cord. Developmental Biology, 430: 177-187
- Butler, S.J. (2017). The evolution of an axon guidance model: from chemotaxis to haptotaxis. The Node (Development)
- Varadarajan, S.G, Kong, J., Phan, K.D., Kao, T.-J., Panaitof, S.C., Cardin, J., Eltzschig, H.,, Kania, A., Novitch, B.G. and S. J. Butler. (2017). Netrin1 produced by neural progenitors, not floor plate cells, is required for axon guidance in the spinal cord. Neuron, 94:790-799
Butler, S.J. and M. E. Bronner. (2015). From classical to current: analyzing peripheral nervous system and spinal cord lineage and fate. Developmental Biology 398:135-46.
- Pearson, C.A, Butler, S.J and B. G. Novitch (2014). Neuronal organization: unsticking the cadherin code. Current Biology 24: R1127-9.
- Kandyba, E., Hazen, V.M., Kobielak, A., Butler, S.J. and K. Kobielak. (2014). Smad1 and 5 but not Smad8 establish stem cell quiescence which is critical to transform the premature hair follicle during morphogenesis toward the postnatal state. Stem Cells, 32: 534-547
- Phan, K.D. and S.J. Butler (2013). Bilaterally symmetric populations of chicken dI1 (commissural) axons cross the floor plate independently of each other. PLoS One 8: e62977
- Yamauchi, K., Varadarajan, S.G., Li. J., and S.J. Butler. (2013). Type Ib BMP receptors mediate the rate of commissural axon extension through inhibition of cofilin activity. Development, 140:333-42
- Kong, J., Butler S.J. and B.G. Novitch (2013). The brain told me to do it. Developmental Cell. 25:436-8
- Gaber, Z.B., Butler, S.J. and B. G. Novitch (2013). PLZF regulates Fibroblast Growth Factor responsiveness and maintenance of neural progenitors. PLoS Biology 11::e1001676
- Hazen, V.M., Andrews, M.G., Umans L., Crenshaw III, E.B, Zwijsen A., and Butler S.J. (2012). BMP receptor-activated Smads direct diverse functions during the development of the dorsal spinal cord. Developmental Biology, 367: 216-227.
- Hazen, V.M., Phan, K.D., Hudiburgh S. and S.J. Butler (2011). Inhibitory Smads can differentially regulate cell fate specification and axon dynamics in the dorsal spinal cord. Developmental Biology 336: 566-575.
- Phan, K.D., Croteau, L.-P., Kam, J.W.K., Kania A., Cloutier, J.-F. and Butler S.J. (2011). Neogenin may functionally substitute for Dcc in chicken. PLoS One 6: e22072
- Phan, K.D., Hazen, V.M., Frendo, M.E., Jia, Z. and S.J. Butler. (2010). The bone morphogenetic protein roof plate chemorepellent regulates the rate of commissural axonal growth. J. Neuroscience 30: 15430-40
- Hazen, V.M., Phan K.D., Yamauchi K. and S. J. Butler (2010). Assaying the ability of diffusible signaling molecules to reorient embryonic spinal commissural axons. J Vis Exp. 37:1853
Novitch, B.G., and S.J. Butler. (2009). Reducing the mystery of neuronal differentiation. Cell 138: 1062-1064
Yamauchi, K., Phan, K.D. and S.J. Butler. (2008). BMP type I receptors have distinct activities in mediating cell fate and axon guidance. Development 135:1119-28.
- Butler, S.J. and G. Tear. (2007). Getting axons onto the right path: the role of transcription factors in axon guidance. Development 134: 439-448.
- Butler, S.J. and J. Dodd. (2003). A role for BMP heterodimers in roof plate-mediated repulsion of commissural axons. Neuron 38: 389-401
- Augsburger, A*., Schuchardt, A., Hoskins, S., Dodd, J. and S. J. Butler*, (1999). BMPs as mediators of roof plate repulsion of commissural neurons. Neuron 24: 127-141.
* joint first authors - Butler, S.J., Ray, S. and Y. Hiromi. (1997). klingon, a novel member of the Drosophila immunoglobulin superfamily, is required for the development of the R7 neuron. Development 124: 781-792.